Sunday, October 19, 2014

Duct Tape Use #1002

Duct tape, no tool kit is complete without it.  There is a saying that there are 1001 uses for it, but one could argue its uses are actually endless. Today I have it wrapped around my upper right thigh.  It is being used as reinforcement for the ACE bandage I have wrapped around my leg. My right adductor muscle (inner thigh) has been being overworked due to overpronation(excessive inward rotation) of my right foot . This is happening as a result of recurring effects of a sprained ankle I suffered 10 years ago.

I’m doing some physical therapy to correct imbalances and am awaiting a new pair of custom orthotics. Until they arrive I am running with the support of an ACE bandage to relieve some of the workload on my adductors. It has been working well. However, due to constant motion and contracting thigh muscles during running, the clips that come with it don’t hold, nor does the athletic tape which I previously tried, this led me to the use of the all purpose repair device-duct tape.

As I run I can feel the support around my leg and feel confident the duct tape will continue to do its job.  This leads me to thinking about the workings of the human body and how it really is a remarkable machine.  If well conditioned it is capable of more than we likely can even imagine.  Through repetition it can be programmed to become stronger, more capable, and more efficient.  If you have muscle imbalances, exercises can be done to correct them. If you have a skill you want to improve, do activities that emphasize that skill and you will improve.

Since the body is designed to move, a moving body is generally healthier. A lack of movement leads to a poorly functioning body and unfortunately a lesser quality of life. Yet since modern living has contributed to sedentary lifestyles, it has been my observation that many today have become comfortable with discomfort.  People become so comfortable with various ailments that it becomes a way of life for them. They don’t know how much better things can be, so it’s just accepted as part of the aging process and no action is taken to tap into the power they have to change it.

I'm glad that I started running back in high school, despite having asthma, because it gave me  a passion for keeping myself healthy and always working towards improving myself and my quality of life.

I often listen to audio books during long runs. Recently I completed David and Goliath by Malcom Gladwell, which examines how what we view as disadvantages are often actually advantages, and vice versa.  There are several real world examples mentioned in the book, one of them being Richard Branson. Richard Branson, founder of Virgin records and several other successful companies, is dyslexic.

Oftentimes when there is a diagnosis of dyslexia it is viewed as a reason why one is less likely to succeed in life. However, the successful person with the right mindset, such as Richard Branson, views it as a reason to work a little harder than the next person. This creates a great work ethic, as well as the ability to persevere, both are essential to success in any field.

This is how I view asthma. Instead of a reason why I couldn’t be an athlete it gave me the desire to persist and not let it stop me. I feel it made me a healthier person than I would have been otherwise, resulting in a better quality of life as well.

So, this machine known as the human body can be positively programmed or reprogrammed through thoughts as well as actions. Even if you are a negative thinker you can change your thought process to a more positive one, thereby increasing your capabilities in, and enjoyment of, life. Yes it is a gradual process, but the fact remains it can be done.  We have the power within us to alter the quality of our lives. Certainly there are things that happen which are out of our control, but how we react and respond to these events is within our own control.

There is a speech in the film, The Great Dictator which comes to mind. This film is a 1940 American satirical political comedy-drama film starring, written, produced, scored, and directed by Charlie Chaplin. It is also Charlie Chaplin’s only speaking role. There is a speech from it which I find powerful and inspiring, in particular this segment;

In the 17th Chapter of St Luke it is written: “the Kingdom of God is within man” - not one man nor a group of men, but in all men! In you! You, the people have the power - the power to create machines. The power to create happiness! You, the people, have the power to make this life free and beautiful, to make this life a wonderful adventure.

Running inspires me to make this life free and beautiful, and a wonderful adventure. When I run strong it inspires me even more so. As I conclude my run the duct tape is still holding strong, doing its job without fail.  But this duct tape did more than just support my inner thigh muscles, it strengthened my mind. It enabled me to run strong today without any discomfort so my mind and body could soak in the endorphins and empower me. It’s amazing what a little duct tape can do!